BananekRKS - 2010-05-08 06:11:42

Witam :)

Zapewne wielu  z was chciało by być Pro Clerem , ponieważ ja wygrywam z każdym na pvp i na Expa też mi sie spoko expi postanowiłem wstawic ten poradnik.


Dodajemy do base 100 spr później ładujemy w Con <-- jest to najlepszy poradnik dla B.Clera

Skille :

-Level 1 Heal
-Level 10 Spiritual Bolt
-Level 8 Vigor
----Saved my 12 skill points----
-Level 2 Divine Grace
-Level 2 True Sight
-Level 3 Tornado Swirl
-Level 5 Energy Shield
----Used up my 12 skill points---- (you're still level 40 at this time)
-Level 5 Energy Shield -> Level 10 Energy Shield --------(now you're level 45)
-Level 1 Heal -> Level 3 Heal
-Level 3 Harden
-Level 4 Recover
-Level 1 Revive ----------(now you're level 55)
-Level 3 Harden -> Level 10 Harden (now you're level 62, which is pretty hard to reach XD)
----OR After getting Level 10 Energy Shield----
-Level 8 Vigor -> Level 10 Virgor
-Level 2 Divine Grace -> Level 10 Divine Grace (this is good for leveling, since you don't need to sit much, but you can't level in DS, etc. since getting the other skills for those places are still better)
----OR After getting Level 10 Energy Shield----
-Level 10 Angelic Shield (now you're level 55) (this build is recomended if you have a sealed/unsealed set

ja jechałem na tym poradniku myśle że wam pomoże :>


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