neros94 - 2011-12-13 22:12:10

Witam. Mam takie pytanie czy bylibyście chętni żeby grać na takim serwerze. Poprostu reaktywacja byłego serwera.

Normal rates

Solo: 4
Party: 6
Drop: 5
Growth: 100

Every weekend, rates are multiplied by 2

Weekend rates

Solo: 8
Party: 12
Drop: 10
Growth: 100

Death Set Exchanger (Kals)
Rings 40,50,60
Pet shop
Uns 45,55 for money
Uns 65 for (Kals)
Unseal 85 ring Exchanger

Soon we will add new features such as map with bosses, and much more.

All maps ON.
CA: every 3h
BH: every 3h
GA: every 3h
Aurora & Dark Area

Azreals dropable in DW, by B1 and B2 (1% drop rate) and FC and DS boss (little bit higher rate)
Other new gems dropable in Winter Maze, by chests (1% drop)

FC mobs drops cracked gems, FC mini bosses drops Unique gems.
DS mobs drops chipped gems.